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How to get Google Adsense approval | How Google Adsense works | How to make money with Google Adsense | Madsafari

If you think to apply for adsense or If you get disapproval from adsense you don't need to worry about it. In this post i tell you how to apply for adsense to how to get approval from adsense. Make Sure you use .com domain because it has priority.and google also give first preference to it.

Follow these steps before apply for adsense:-

  1. Make sure you website arranged very well.(like- good template,proper headings or subheading, minimum 500 words for posts,etc)
  2. Original template (don't use free templates).
  3. Contains sitemap.
  4. About and Contact us pages.
  5. Original content.
  6. Don't use other ads.
  7. Don't upload adult content.
  8. Don't use copyright images.

How to apply for Adsense

  • Go to Adsense signup.
  • Adsense sign-in
  • Complete you form with right information.
  • Like- address,contact no,email etc.
  • Use right url of user website (if you use https or http makesure url contain it)
  • Choose right category for website(news, entertainment,etc.)
And submit the form.
This is the first step.If you fill all the details are right than you get approval in 24hrs.

How to make money with Google AdSense

It is very easy to earn money with AdSense.if you website has lot's of visitors.Google AdSense convert your visitors (views) into money. How? I tell you Adsense place ads on your website and count the impressions and clicks on ads or page. and you can earn according to your page views.

Apply for AdSense and convert your views into money.enjoy....

In my next post i will tell you how to get immediate approval from adsense.

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